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Norman Mather Waterbury was born in 1856 to Francis W. Waterbury and (...) in December, 1856 in Saratoga Springs. He attended the University of Rochester, and was a freshman in 1874- as depicted in the images from the University of Rochester's twenty-fifth annual catalogue. He wrote a majority of the postcards within the collection, and often discusses shared interests between his father Francis and himself, such as God, books, and traveling. 

Francis' devotion to the Baptist Church was passed down onto his son Norman, who became a missionary and reverend for the church and would often write sermons and and discuss his beliefs in his writings to his father. Many of Francis' friends in later postcards would inquire about Norman and his work for the church, indicating that he was a prominent and active member of the community. 

Norman Waterbury spent the last five years of his life doing missionary work in Madras, India with his wife Lucy Mcgill Peabody. They arrived in 1881, and spent their time working with the Telugu people, as well as building the First Baptist Church in the area. Norman passed away in November, 1886 due to illness, and the Church he had spent his last years working on was dedicated to him, being names the Waterbury Memorial Telugu Baptist Church. His wife continued mission work for many years to come, and was an activist for women in the Baptist church.