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A Dipper Boy reaches into the tube containing the flow of the Congress Spring. A wooden bar surrounds the spring and people are standing around it, drinking the waters. The pavilion itself is simple in lines. Written in the border of the card is the…
The original pavilion over Congress Spring is shown in these images. A wrought iron fence surrounds the area.
These early images depict the Congress Spring, the Bandstand and the Columbian Spring in what is known as Congress Spring Park. A wrought iron fence surrounds the property and runs along East Congress St.
The Congress Spring was first drawn by artist Augustus Knoller; his original work was copied and elaborated on by so many followers it is almost difficult to differentiate one from another. These images show the Congress Spring and Columbian Spring…
These are images of the Arcade in Congress Park which ran between Congress and Columbian Springs Pavilions. The Arcade has a solid roof and large widows which open to let in the breeze. The walkway is sparse, with chairs set up for people to sit.
These are images of the Arcade which connected the Congress and Columbian Springs. The pergola style roof and open air design allowed for the growing of a variety of plants. People sat along the walkway, enjoying snacks they had purchased from a…
These images were taken from outside the park on the hill on Broadway. On the far right can be glimpsed the bandstand. The paths between the pavilions are well defined and the landscaping is mature.
The Congregation Sharra T'Fille transforms the former House of Pompeia into their synagogue.